“Choosing a consultant or procurement organisation to sort out catering is difficult because they all seem the same”
This is about as accurate as saying all multi-academy trusts and children are the same!
MATs come together for many reasons including educational improvement, sharing best practice and financial efficiency. Becoming a MAT is a journey towards improving pupil outcomes rather than a solution or destination in itself. As a trust develops and potentially expands, there will be many different challenges along the way including sustaining the individual identity of member academies and ensuring good quality service delivery while driving efficiency.
Consultant or procurement organisation/framework?
Buying stationary, computers or photocopiers on behalf of a Trust does need some specialist knowledge and a compliant process -something that procurement organisations are able to do on behalf of schools and MATs alike. Catering however, is a more visible and complex service which can make a real difference to children but, if not procured properly, can be an expensive distraction to the school day.
Every MAT is different and an ‘off the shelf’ process will only produce an ‘off the shelf’ solution rather than a dynamic, developing service a Trust can be proud of.
Matriculate Consulting’s affordable approach is to manage bespoke compliant tender processes having gained a sound appreciation of how each MAT works, the culture of each member academy and the ongoing support you may need, post tender.
All MATs and consultants are equal but some are more equal than other